Indulging, vegan and gluten-free Lasagna

Eating more plant-based is certainly not taking away the pleasure of indulging dishes like lasagna.

I can promise you’ll want to serve yourself again and again, and you can, its super light and healthy.

Nutritious facts of gluten-free, plant-based lasagna:

Rich in protein
Source of Lycopene and Vitamin A, Riboflavin (vitamin B2) and niacin.
Source of carbohydrates


·       A handful parsley

·       4 garlic cloves

·       1 large onion

·       2 handful mushrooms

·       2 carrots

·       600 ml tomato passata

·       100 ml red wine

·       5 tbsp nutritional yeast

·       100 gr vegan parmeggiano

·       300 gr vegan minced meat (local, organic soy)

·       200 ml plant-based cream (almond or local soy)

·       1 package gluten free lasagne sheets

·       Salt and pepper

·       Oregano


Instructions VEGAN Gluten-free Lasagna:


Chop the onions and the garlic and bake them with sesame oil in the pan until they are golden. Add the very finely chopped mushrooms and carrots (best in a processor) and let it roast a little. Now add the minced meat and bake for another 10 minutes. Add the red wine and let it simmer for 2 minutes. Add the tomato sauce and the spices and the half of the nutritional yeast and the parmeggiano. Let the sauce for another 5 minutes on medium heat


Pour the tomato sauce in an oven dish just to cover the bottom. Place the first layer of lasagne sheets, then again sauce, cream, nutritional yeast, parmeggiano and another layer of sheets until you have no sheets anymore. Finish with a layer of sauce and cream and cheese.

Bake at 180 degrees Celsius (356 Fahrenheit) for 40 minutes.



