your GUT FEELING never lies
“All dis—ease begins in the gut”
Mostly we know that something is off. We are always tired, we cannot get out of bed, we feel generally very low and we are often sick.
If your gut is not in balance it affects your daily life quality. These are some of the symptoms when your gut microbiome is not in a healthy balanced state:
mood swings
bloating and gas
digestive discomfort
frequent infections
weight gain
anxiety and depression
skin issues
autoimmune disease
In my work with my clients we always base our journey together on the results of a gut microbiome test.
That way we know exactly where there are imbalances and how to individualize the coaching roadmap to each person.
If you are curious how I work and if I might be able to help you , here you can get in touch with me and we can discuss your options.
With the My Bioma gut microbiome Analysis you’ll find out:
If your gut microbiome is healthy and in balance:
How the bacteria affect your intestinal mucosa
How your bacteria utilize sugar, protein and fat and how this affects your metabolism
How your bacteria affect your weight, diabetes, liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system
How your bacteria relate to your liver and other organs
How your bacteria affect your mood (gut-brain axis)
Here you can order your gut microbiome test and start your healing journey.