Meet my Team flourish.

We are a team of health coaches, dancers, artists, accountants, marketers, yoga teachers, you name it. We all share the same vision of a better, greener, healthier world.


My story…

After my studies I had worked in marketing for many years until I started questioning my life around my thirties and I wondered if that was it already. Working 9-5 towards the weekend. 24 vacation days a year and 5 days a week to do something that I wasn't standing behind.

I quit my job and went on a trip around South America, and when I got back, I started a interior design studio with my sister. I first loved it a lot having our own studio, the fairs and look books and all that creative vibe.

But after I became a mom in 2012, I found myself getting more and more exhausted with this new hamster wheel I had built. The design studio was simply not possible for me. The design world was moving too fast for me and I didn't want to keep up.

After the birth of my second son, my partner and I decided to start over in France.

Living healthily and sustainably had become a passion for me in recent years and I followed the call of my heart to be able to accompany other women on their way to more joy of life as a holistic nutrition coach.

But I never never wanted to trade time for money again. I wanted to coach out of passion. I wanted to have real time for my children and not just rush through everyday life.

I am still very grateful for the encounter with a dear Yogi friend Steffi from Berlin who introduced me to this business chance.

Today I work completely independent of location and I just do what I love. We spend a lot of time in nature, camping or with my family in Germany.

I feel like I've arrived. I am a holistic nutrition coach with Simply in Balance and a passionate team leader for my team FLOURISH. I am so grateful for this community, the deep connection and the impact I can make to change other people’s lives to the better.

Will you join us too?


Are there costs involved ?
When you decide to join as a fresh partner you pay a one time administrative fee of €34. There are no monthly fees or requirements. So fresh. So free.

Do I need a big social media community?
Not at all. Come as you are. Good to know, you also get a free social media training and mentoring within our team Flourish.

I don’t know what I need to do
I’ll take you by the hand step by step. We also have a state of the art online education platform you can access whenever you need it.

How much time do I need to invest per week?
You decide yourself how much time you want to dedicate to your business.