Crunchy Broccoli cookies with Avocado dip

Broccoli is a very good source of Vitamin C in Winter and these crusty cookies will even convert the biggest broccoli haters. They are easy to make and you can eat them cold for lunch the next day.

For the Broccoli cookies you'll need:

1 big broccoli
1 big onion
2 garlic gloves
100 gr parmesan or pecorino
50 gr gluten free bread crumbs
1 organic egg
pepper and salt

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
Cut the raw broccoli, the onion and the garlic in the food processor. Mix the broccoli mix with the rest of the ingredients. Form flat balls and bake them on a oiled baking form for 35 minutes in the oven until they get a bit crusty.

Avocado Dip:
1 small onion
2 garlic gloves
1 lemon
1 tsp ground cylantro
1 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp piri piri
salt and pepper
1 organic avocado

Cut the onion and the garlic and smash together with the avocado flesh and season.

Serve with pomegranate seeds and lemon slices.

The lovely table cloth was created by my sister Dinah Smutny. As a textile and graphic designer she is currently experimenting with food waste as organic ink on organic linen. For this one she used beetroot, coffee and avocado pits. I am in love with the soft colors and lines.
