
your potential

Dream big



Discover your potential Dream big Free Conscious

How I Created a life for myself

in freedom and abundance

Here’s my secret: Affiliate marketing

I remember feeling exactly like you might be now - stuck in a job that didn't light me up inside, staring at the daunting mountain of building a profitable business from the ground, and wondering how I'd manage that with my family time too.

I was an online marketeer back then, miles away from where I am now.

I craved more, more creativity, freedom and more of the things that truly mattered.

Starting with my nutrition studies at almost 40 I jumped into this adventure. And taking that first step was the biggest hurdle for me. I know what it means to procrastinate and feeling overwhelmed by fears.

Fast forward today I build myself a community and a business that offers me a degree of freedom and peace of mind that's unparalleled. For a mama, holistic nutritionist and slow travel enthusiast like me, it's the perfect merger of work and wanderlust.

The best thing about this new way of working:

  • Flexibility - I can develop my creativity without pressure

  • Independence - I work where, when and with whom I want

  • Passive Income - I earn money while I am spending quality time with my loved ones

Because it’s so flexible, I get to be independent, and it set me up for a residual income even when I am in nature, traveling, playing with my kids, cooking, not working on my business!

Whether it’s travel, or taking care of my family or just the peace of mind of not having to worry about work and just have time.

This is possible for you too…

Your dreams are valid and attainable. It’s time to stop settling. The life you want is within your grasp! I am living proof that if you pursue your dreams with unwavering determination - you can open doors you never knew existed.

It’s more than just a source of revenue; it represents a break from the traditional, a pathway to freedom.

Where and when you work don’t matter. The chains of a 9-to-5 routine dissolve. Whether you're dreaming of sipping coffee in a café while working or simply want the flexibility to attend your child's weekday recital, affiliate marketing provides the means.

This conscious business empowers you to craft a life that aligns with your values and desires. In today's digital age, the conventional rules of work have been rewritten, and a world full of with opportunities awaits those ready to seize them.

My vision: Help other women find peace, independence and freedom to follow their purpose and joy in life.
— Sarah

This ethical, green business chance is for you if you…

  • want to make the world a little greener

  • want to have an additional residual income or replace your current job

  • like to work independently in a team

  • are interested in conscious living, health and ethics

  • are curious and ready to learn new things

Make the change, be the change

Step by step we make an impact together for a healthier, greener, micro-plastic free world with a visionary company on your side!

Are you ready to make a change in your life and join my team Flourish?

  • leave many green footprints in countless households throughout Europe

  • support an awarded Austrian family business with strong ethical values since 1996 (European Business Award 2016, Austrian Climate prize 2015)

  • inspire others with a sustainable, vegan and fresh lifestyle

Discover the RINGANA freshness philosophy

A new life

I love to pass on this conscious business chance to women who like me want to enjoy their family without compromising anything, who want to put emotional-physical well-being in their daily life first. Women who seek freedom, economic independence and believe in the importance of promoting their values ​​and ideals of life, who wish to be connected with others.

We are now an international team of more than 1400 team members from all over Europe and worldwide.

You can start without investment and at the same time sharing values ​​around sustainability, ethics, health, conscious living. It sounds too good to be true. I thought the same at the beginning. I am working with this business since 4 years now and I'm not planning to stop.

What you get

  • Free online education-system

  • Onboarding

  • Personal mentoring by me

  • a great community

Change starts with ourselves.

Where intention goes, energy flows.

Dare to take a step into the unknown. I'll take you by the hand & we'll go out of your comfort zone step by step. For a future free of limitations.

Start an independent, free NOmad lifestyle or just create yourself an additional income. It’s up to you!

Van life adventure freedom

Fully remote, independent and without any risk or investment. Under the umbrella of a strong Austrian partner company and an inspiring community of green-minded people and a free education and mentoring system.

DISCOVER THE OPPORTUNITY and join our next Business presentation

I am looking forward to connect with you. I will get in touch within 24 hours, send you more information and the invitation to our weekly business presentation.

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