Gluten free Sweet Potatoe Gnocchi with Pesto

Living gluten free made me discover so many delicious foods and I could directly see and feel the effects. No more brain fog, no more swollen face, no more falling asleep after dinner. But only since I went vegetarian (actually 90% vegan) and sugar free, I feel healthier than ever. I see that at my energy level.

I want to share my path with you guys because I think there are many out there who have no clue why they always feel bloated, tired and often miserably in their body.

When I was a kid I had neurodermitis and as a teenager urticaria outbreaks, no doctor knew why. I am so grateful that I found out now but partly I regret the years where I felt not the best in my body for that reason I want to share my story here.

Yesterday I ran 8 km in 50 minutes after a full day with the kids. Years ago before my diet change I would be exhausted after 4 km and my pace was much slower.

One of my favorite dishes I don't get tired of are sweet potato gnocchi with homemade pesto and rocket salad.

Sweet potato gnocchi:

Bake 3 sweet potatoes for 40 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius in the oven and let them cool down. Peel them and mash them together with 100 gram rice flower and 100 gr potato starch in a big bowl. Add 1 tsp salt as well.

Add a little bit more flower if the mix feels still too sticky.

Form small gnocchi and make the characteristic gnocchi lines on them with a fork.

Boil the gnocchi for 5 minutes in salted water.

Take the gnocchi out of the water and fry them for 5 minutes on medium heat in a pan with a little olive oil. That way they get a nice crunch.

Serve the gnocchi with pesto, roasted pine nuts and rocket salad.


1 garlic clove

80 gr vegan parmesan or nutritional yeast

80 gr pine nuts (roast them before in a non-oiled pan)

a big handful of fresh basilic or parsley works too

4 table spoons of olive oil

Use a small mixer to blend all the ingredients for the pesto.


Gluten free sweet potato gnocchi.jpg