Vegan Chickpea Omelette

Vegan savoury chickpea omelette is one of my quick dishes I make when I need a tasty and nourishing dish for lunch, but don't have time to make something fancy.

To make the omelette just batter 200 grams chickpea flower with unsweetened almond milk, add salt, pepper, garlic powder and ground cylantro until you get a creamy but still liquid consistency. Bake it in the pan with some olive oil until the omelette is golden brown.

Top with what makes you happy. I used avocado, cocktail tomatoes and some raw zucchini. Here you go a quick and healthy lunch or dinner. I had plant based joghurt with it and a vinaigrette of honey/flaxseed oil/sesame oil and apple cider vinegar.

I combined it with a leftover of quinoa salad I filled in the empty avocado half.

Enjoy !

Vegan Chickpea Omelette.jpg